
OCAPy - OVH Client APy

This project is maintained by pslestang


OVH Client Api (in Python)

OCAPy is a python client implementing OVH restful API consumption


OVH is in no way involved in the development of this library, in case of bug please use the issues tracker provided by Github

Usage overview

    # Import the main class
    from OCAPy import OCAPy

    # Instantiate OCAPy class
        app_key='YOUR APPLICATION KEY',
        app_secret='YOUR APPLICATION SECRET',
        consumer_key='YOUR CONSUMER KEY'

    # And play with the API
    # A GET request: GET https://api.ovh.com/1.0/me

    # print my city
    print request['city']

    # A GET request with parameters; GET https://api.ovh.com/1.0/ips?type=dedicated
    print ocapy.ip.get(params={'type': 'dedicated'})

    # Want to get a specific ressource?
    # GET https://api.ovh.com/1.0/ip/
    print ocapy.ip('').get()

    # OK but I also want to play with POST and PUT!
    # POST https://api.ovh.com/1.0/me/ovhAccount/FR/creditOrder
    print ocapy.me.ovhAccount('FR').creditOrder.post(data={'amount':'1000'})

    # PUT https://api.ovh.com/1.0/xdsl/xdsl-xxxx-1
    print ocapy.xdsl('xdsl-xxxx-1').put(data={'description':'My XDSL description'})

    # And what's about DELETE?
    # DELETE https://api.ovh.com/1.0/sms/user/ocapy
    print ocapy.sms('sms-xxxx-1').user('ocapy').delete()


  1. OVH API is available here
  2. To get your credentials follow this tutorial
  3. The code has been tested with python 2.7



  1. Download the archive
  2. Unzip and go into the directory
  3. run python setup.py install
  4. Play with it!

In other words under Linux:

wget https://github.com/pslestang/OCAPy/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd OCAPy-master/
sudo python setup.py install

API Responses

# A successfull request return a decoded JSON string
print "My name is: %s" % me['name']
My name is: Le Stang
# Ex: Adding ocapy user return a NULL response so None in python
print ocapy.sms('sms-xxxx-1').users.post(data={'login':'ocapy', 'password':'plopplop'})
# Ex: Adding ocapy user one more time raise an exception:"
    ocapy.sms('sms-xxxx-1').users.post(data={'login':'ocapy', 'password':'plopplop'})
except Exception as e:
    print "Exception raised: %s" % e
Exception raised: POST https://api.ovh.com/1.0/sms/sms-xxxx-1/users [409]: This login exists already for that account
# Ex: Deleting ocapy user return a NULL response, so None in python"
print ocapy.sms('sms-xxxx-1').users('ocapy').delete()
# Calling an invalid resource, raise an exception:"
except Exception as e:
    print "Exception raised %s" % e

 Exception raised GET https://api.ovh.com/1.0/me/invalidresource [404]: Got an invalid (or empty) URL


Starting from version 0.2.0 OCAPy is able to read authentication parameters from an INI configuration file. This configuration file is stored in the user's home directory and called .ocapyrc The configuration is compounded of a main configuration part and one or several profiles part.

Full exemple:

base_url = https://api.ovh.com/1.0/
profile = full

name = full
app_key = 1234AbCD5eFGh6ijk
app_secret = QQkc0c1hqVnRWbmcwY3JtdDFDeFlkYkd
consumer_key = V2ROTnkwTzllMVJaZU9odDMxQzhxcGFk
base_url = https://api.ovh.com/1.0

name = domains
app_key = 1234AbCD5eFGh6ijk
app_secret = UemxsTVZKYVpVOW9kRE14UXpoeGNRmsK
consumer_key = UVlpLWVZwVk9XOWtSRTE0VVhwb2VHTlJ
base_url = https://api.ovh.com/1.0

To use the authentication parameters from the configuration file, just set the option ocapy_profile='profile name' when instantiating the OCAPy class. You may use the profile called 'default' to load the profile specified in [ocapy] section.

With the above configuration the following lines are strictly the same:

# use the profile called full (profile-full)
ocapy = OCAPy(ocapy_profile='full')
# use the default profile (value set to full) 
ocapy = OCAPy(ocapy_profile='default')

ocapy program

Starting from version 0.2.0 OCAPy is shipped with a program called ocapy which is for the moment a helper program that manages the configuration file (add, remove, detail, valid a profile)

The 'valid' utility tests that a request on https://api.ovh.com/1.0/me is working with a selected authentication profile

During 'add' process the same request is done. If the test fails the profile is not added.

Here the help message:

usage: ocapy [-h] [-c] [-s] [-p PROFILE] [-n]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --config          Configure OCAPy and manage profiles authentication
  -s, --shell           Start an interactive shell
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        Authentication profile to use
  -n, --no-color        Disable color, default is to enable unless colorama
                        library is missing


OCAPy is licensed under the terms of the General Public License v3